Saturday, March 29, 2008

Peaceful reponse to Anti-Islam film

Anti-Islamic film fails to spark violent protests
By Harry de Quetteville in Berlin
Last Updated: 1:12am GMT 29/03/2008

The release of a provocative new film equating Islam with violence has failed to spark major unrest, despite the concerns voiced by Western security agencies.

Bruno Waterfield: No ban on Dutch MP's anti-Islam film
Dutch MP Geert Wilders's film Fitna, which translates as strife in Arabic, features images from the September 11 2001 attacks on New York and opens with a Danish cartoon of the prophet Mohammed which has prompted riots in the past.

Dutch Right-wing MP Geert Wilders claimed Islam sought world domination
In the run-up to the film's release Dutch intelligence agencies had raised the terror threat to "substantial".

But while Indonesia, Pakistan and Iran all strongly condemned the film in official statements, there appeared to be little widespread popular outrage in the Muslim world.

However, the violent reaction in the Middle East and beyond after the 2005 publication in Denmark of cartoons deemed offensive to Islam took months to develop.

The release of Fitna has come just days before Germany stages the first ever dramatised performance of British author Salman Rushdie's novel The Satanic Verses.

The book was condemned by Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini on its release two decades ago, and Mr Rushdie was forced to live in hiding for nine years.

German authorities say there will be a heavy police presence at the theatre on Sunday night.

Like Mr Rushdie, the Danish artist who pictured Mohammed with a bomb nestling in his turban has also been forced into hiding.

advertisementBut Kurt Westergaard has distanced himself from the new film and has said he will sue for breach of copyright over the unauthorised use of his cartoon in it. He said his cartoon was a critique of terrorism, not a generalised attack on Islam.

"I will not accept my cartoon being taken out of its original context and used in a completely different one," he said.

The Dutch government has also acted swiftly to condemn ‘Fitna' and praised the calls for calm issued by an Islamic association in the Netherlands.

"We call on them [fellow Muslims] to follow our strategy and not react with attacks on Dutch embassies or tourists," said the head of the Dutch Moroccan National Council, Mohamed Rabbae.

"An attack on the Netherlands is an attack on us."

Dutch Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende, described the response of Muslim in the Netherlands as "dignified". The United Nations secretary general Ban Ki-moon also attacked the film.

"I condemn in the strongest terms the airing of Geert Wilders' offensively anti-Islamic film," he said in a statement.

"There is no justification for hate speech or incitement to violence. The right of free speech is not at stake here."

Information appearing on is the copyright of Telegraph Media Group Limited and must not be reproduced in any medium without licence. For the full copyright statement see Copyright

Wilders anti-Islam film is pathetic & shallow

No ban on Dutch MP's anti-Islam film

Posted by Bruno Waterfield on 27 Mar 2008 at 23:50

Tags: Islam, Multiculturalism, Free Speech, Geert Wilders, fitna
Geert Wilders, an eccentric and right-wing Dutch MP, has posted his anti-Islam film on the internet. This childish attempt to shock should not be banned. His infantile film, which mutually flatters both Islamist extremists and the self-proclaimed defenders of Western civilisation, such as Mr Wilders, is pathetic, not dangerous.

Warning: do not take Geert Wilders too seriously

Mr Wilders has not set out to have a serious debate on Islam or Islamism or immigration or multiculturalism or the future of the West. All he wants to do is offend and shock. For some strange reason everyone seems to be playing into his hands.

With all its overblown imagery, Fitna, the 15-minute film made by Mr Wilders, is fundamentally about his own self-conceit. He, like many of the Islamic extremists and nutters he features, confuse his own hysterical tantrum with profundity. If his film, or rather the response to it, contains one message for Western societies it is simply: “Grow up.”

Free speech should remain free and it should be up to us as adults, not the state, to make up our own minds. Because we are grown up we can work out for ourselves that childish posturing, such as that in this film, is not serious enough to warrant a ban, or all the fuss.

Amongst other things, Mr Wilders uses his 15 minutes of fame to give much play to comparisons between Islamism and the Nazis. Intercut with images from July 7 bombings in London are pictures of the placards of protesting Islamist radicals. “Be prepared for the real holocaust,” is the slogan held by a woman in a black burqa. Another carries a placard saying “God bless Hitler.”

Other crazy clerics and cranks boast throughout the film about how Islam is going to rule the US, Europe and Britain. The film ends with a stark message. “In 1945 Nazism was defeated in Europe. In 1989 Communism was defeated in Europe. Now the Islamic ideology has to be defeated.”

Does Mr Wilders really believe that these losers, misfits and swivel-eyed loons (dangerous and unpredictable as they can be) are going to achieve global domination? Or that they, as they themselves claim, represent one of the world religions, hundreds of millions of Muslims? Can these sad, marginalised bigots really be equated with the militarism and resources of the German state, one of the most powerful in the world, which in the 1930s unleashed the Holocaust?

Of course not, for to do so would make us as ludicrous and infantile as Mr Wilders and the Islamo-fantasists. This is all perverse and dangerous mutual flattery, a vicious spiral of self-conceited, self-centred claims for importance. The Islamo-nutters really believe they can topple Western civilisation with their nihilism. Mr Wilders is truly convinced he stands alone against the Muslim barbarian horde that is about to sweep through Europe. Similarly, the posting of this film on the internet is not the beginning of an Islamophobic movement comparable to the racism of the Nazis that led to the Holocaust, as some Muslims and Amsterdam’s Jewish mayor have claimed.

Taking this stuff too seriously is the real danger. Even before this film was aired there was a tantrum of protests from Muslim groups and grim opining from Mr Wilders about the Islamic threat. Playing into the hands of the provocateurs, Jan Peter Balkenende, the Dutch Prime Minister, last month warned of a “national crisis”. Security services, the Foreign ministry and police have drawn up secret plans, including the evacuation of Dutch nationals from Islamic countries, amid fears of violent protests at home and abroad. At an EU summit two weeks ago, leaders, including Gordon Brown, were told of preparations for a repeat of the global anti-Western backlash that followed the publication of Danish cartoons mocking the Islamic prophet Mohammed two years ago.

Now, this is the kind of febrile climate which really is dangerous, and in all of the over-hyped reaction and counter-reaction that could follow Mr Wilders' movie we should not lose our grip on reality. None of the heat surrounding this film will shed light on the important questions. All of the hysterics are a distraction from facing up to the real threats to tolerance and a free society today. It is time to have a grown-up debate.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Refuting Fitna. Rebutting the Dutch. Responding to Wilders

“Fitna” & Rebuttal to Wilders. Refuting Dutch Nazis
Posted on March 28, 2008 by moinansari | Edit

We have tried to respond to Fitna as a first pass.
As we research the material we will update this site with appropriate cross references to the Bible and the Torah

Dutch Nasism is being re-constructed on the backs of anti-Muslim fervor.

Banning the Swastika and making “Holocaust denials” a criminal activity doesn’t eliminate the racism and bigotry that is now manifesting itself in the new anti-semetism of Mr. Geert Wilders.

The Dutch Nazis are at it again. This new Anti-Semitism is against the Muslims

Geert Wilders presents old, archaic, discarded, refuted and repudiated notions about Muslims and the Holy Book. All of these allegations have these have been answered. We present the ref. to context and the complete verses here. Is this the best that Geert could do?

Wilder’s credibility will be affected as the non-bigots (outside the Netherlands) read the Quran. The rate of conversion will go up.

The Dutch people were unable to stop Mr. Geert Wilders from making the movie, because of “Freedom of Speech”. However all our articles posted on Dutch boards were banned and removed. Does it show a culture of “double standards”. Sure!

”Fitna” is a stale Islamphobic rhetoric that presents edited excerpts of Quranic verses to change the meaning of the original Quranic verses. The video regurgitates old discarded Neocon balderdash that has been rejected by America and the world. It would have shocked the world a few years ago. Today you can catch more Islamphobia on Fox!

What can be said about the movie? Muslims of Muslims memorize the Quran before the age of 14. It lives in the hearts and minds of 1.5 Billion Muslims. No one can disparage the Quran. Many have tried. May God Bless their souls.

The criticisms presented in Fitna are nothing new. The Crusaders, Popes, Torquemada, John Damascus and Martin Luther said worse things centuries ago. “They” (Islampbobes) have been saying this sort of thing for 1400 years. This type of nonsensical criticism has been repudiated multiple times and on this site and by historians and religious leaders.

Tulips will remind Mr. Geert and other Dutch bigots about the fact that Tulips came from Muslim Turkey and that they spell “Allah” in Arabic.

We will be publishing a detailed point by point rebuttal of the movie. Some salient points.

1) No information is given on the source or the translation. The text of the Quran have bee taken out of text. Allegorical stories or a particular incident are presented as “commands” for all time. We will refute with actual quotes and credible translations.

2) Most of the incidents shown are Arabs and Iran which make up a small portion of the Muslim world. The largest Muslim states, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Indian Muslims and Pakistan are not shown.

3) Insignificant unidentified people are shown blathering away. Neither the audience nor the exposure is significant and is not shown.

4) We will investigate the Quran and find the truth and repudiate the criticism. The Torah, the Bible, the Gita and all scriptures have texts that have to be explained.

5) Fear mongering is the name of the game. According to Mr. Wilders, Europe is being overwhelmed by Muslims.

6) The world will hear the Quran, then they will investigate and find the truth. The rate of conversion will increase. Islam is already the fastest growing religion by birth and by conversion. Four out of five converts are women. In that sense we thank Mr. Geert Wilders for exposing the world to the Quran.

7) Mr. Geert Wilders May God Bless you. Duth and Geert Wilders should ban these holy books too

The noise surrounding this movie’s launch and the public statements of Mr Geert Wilders are always so extreme that anyone can understand his objective is to provoke a reaction and to get media coverage and attention. For the time being he seems to succeed beyond hope: everybody speaks about a movie nobody has watched being afraid (or hoping) the scandal. M. Geert Wilders is a populist: having no serious real social policy, he is trying to get voters by feeding and using their fears! This is so clear that the Muslims must pass over : Mr Geert Wilders is now revealing his true nature and the best response is to ignore him. The worst case scenario he can expect is indeed not reaction… silence! Tariq Ramadan

9) Muslims should send him Tulips and Roses. Tulips spell “Allah” and roses are Gul e Mohammadi (the flower of the prophet Muhmmad).

10) We feel sorry for Mr. Wilders and the Dutch, totally surrounded by Tulips during Spring. If enough Muslims send him Tulips Tulipomania will be a living hell for him. May God Bless him, and may be find the right path.


Aliph) The first verse that Mr. Wilders showed as evidence for banning the Quran was

You Shall Be Prepared: A Divine Commandment

8:60:You shall prepare for them all the power you can muster

It is amazing that a fragment has been taken from 8:60. The verse after 8:60 which is 8:61 is not listed. Obviously Mr. Wilder did this for effect. However he loses credibility when some may try to read the next sentence also which negates his original assertion.

[8:61] If they resort to peace, so shall you, and put your trust in GOD. He is the Hearer, the Omniscient.

Also the ref to context in 8:60 is the story of Moses from the Bible and the Torah. The story is simply repeated in the Quran. The

[8:53] GOD does not change a blessing He has bestowed upon any people unless they themselves decide to change. GOD is Hearer, Omniscient.

[8:54] Such was the case with the people of Pharaoh and others before them. They first rejected the signs of their Lord. Consequently, we annihilated them for their sins. We drowned Pharaoh’s people; the wicked were consistently punished.

[8:55] The worst creatures in the sight of GOD are those who disbelieved; they cannot believe.

[8:56] You reach agreements with them, but they violate their agreements every time; they are not righteous.

[8:57] Therefore, if you encounter them in war, you shall set them up as a deterrent example for those who come after them, that they may take heed.

[8:58] When you are betrayed by a group of people, you shall mobilize against them in the same manner. GOD does not love the betrayers.

[8:59] Let not those who disbelieve think that they can get away with it; they can never escape.

[8:60] You shall prepare for them all the power you can muster, and all the equipment you can mobilize, that you may frighten the enemies of GOD, your enemies, as well as others who are not known to you; GOD knows them. Whatever you spend in the cause of GOD will be repaid to you generously, without the least injustice.

[8:61] If they resort to peace, so shall you, and put your trust in GOD. He is the Hearer, the Omniscient.

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God Suffices the Believers

[8:62] If they want to deceive you, then GOD will suffice you. He will help you with His support, and with the believers.

[8:63] He has reconciled the hearts (of the believers). Had you spent all the money on earth, you could not reconcile their hearts. But GOD did reconcile them. He is Almighty, Most Wise.

[8:64] O you prophet, sufficient for you is GOD and the believers who have followed you.

Bay) The 2nd quote used by Mr. Wilders is a simple allegorical description of “hell” for sinners. Similar descriptions can be found in the Bible also. Quran refers to all “Believers” as having the option of a blissful shades.

Allegorical Description of Hell

[4:56] Surely, those who disbelieve in our revelations, we will condemn them to the hellfire. Whenever their skins are burnt, we will give them new skins. Thus, they will suffer continuously. GOD is Almighty, Most Wise.

[4:57] As for those who believe and lead a righteous life, we will admit them into gardens with flowing streams; they abide therein forever. They will have pure spouses therein. We will admit them into a blissful shade.

Jeem) The next quote used by Mr. Wilders is about God who created the heaven and earth. Not sure why he brings this up. If he had read the Bible, he would have found a very similar verse there too.

[57:4] He is the One who created the heavens and the earth in six days, then assumed all authority. He knows everything that enters into the earth, and everything that comes out of it, and everything that comes down from the sky, and everything that climbs into it. He is with you wherever you may be. GOD is Seer of everything you do.

Daal) This verse is about dealing with Hypocrypts. Pretty self expanatory. All religions ask their followers not to be hypocritical. It simply says “choose your friends wisely”.

[4:89] They wish that you disbelieve as they have disbelieved, then you become equal. Do not consider them friends, unless they mobilize along with you in the cause of GOD. If they turn against you, you shall fight them, and you may kill them when you encounter them in war. You shall not accept them as friends, or allies.

How to Deal With the Hypocrites

[4:88] Why should you divide yourselves into two groups regarding hypocrites (among you)? GOD is the one who condemned them because of their own behavior. Do you want to guide those who are sent astray by GOD? Whomever GOD sends astray, you can never find a way to guide them.

[4:89] They wish that you disbelieve as they have disbelieved, then you become equal. Do not consider them friends, unless they mobilize along with you in the cause of GOD. If they turn against you, you shall fight them, and you may kill them when you encounter them in war. You shall not accept them as friends, or allies.

[4:90] Exempted are those who join people with whom you have signed a peace treaty, and those who come to you wishing not to fight you, nor fight their relatives. Had GOD willed, He could have permitted them to fight against you. Therefore, if they leave you alone, refrain from fighting you, and offer you peace, then GOD gives you no excuse to fight them.

[4:91] You will find others who wish to make peace with you, and also with their people. However, as soon as war erupts, they fight against you. Unless these people leave you alone, offer you peace, and stop fighting you, you may fight them when you encounter them. Against these, we give you a clear authorization.

*4:89 The basic rule controlling all fighting is stated in 60:8-9.

Ray) This one deals with those who spend money in fighting God. This one says that all should defend themselves. Similar verses are found in the Bible and the Torah.

Spending Their Money to Fight God*

[8:36] Those who disbelieve spend their money to repel others from the way of GOD. They will spend it, then it will turn into sorrow and remorse for them. Ultimately, they will be defeated, and all disbelievers will be summoned to Hell.

[8:37] GOD will sift away the bad from the good, then pile the bad on top of each other, all in one pile, then throw it in Hell. Such are the losers.

[8:38] Tell those who disbelieved: if they stop, all their past will be forgiven. But if they return, they will incur the same fate as their previous counterparts.

[8:39] You shall fight them to ward off oppression, and to practice your religion devoted to GOD alone. If they refrain from aggression, then GOD is fully Seer of everything they do.

[8:40] If they turn away, then you should know that GOD is your Lord and Master; the best Lord and Master, the best supporter.

*8:35 All religious practices in Islam came to us through Abraham; when the Quran was revealed, all rites in “Submission” were already in existence (21:73, 22:78).
*8:36 The idol worshiping leaders of corrupted Islam, Saudi Arabia, have allocated huge sums of money annually to fight God and His miracle. For example, the famous Lebanese publisher Daar Al-`Ilm Lil-Malaayeen (Knowledge for the Millions) published the Arabic version of “The Miracle of the Quran” in March 1983. The Saudis bought all the copies and destroyed them. 1055 71206

Geert Wilders anti-Quran film. Silence will be the best response

Duth and Geert Wilders should ban these holy books too

Europe: Muslim Integration and separatism lessons learned from the British Raj

Send Tulips

Muslims support SOIEs efforts to eliminate Islamic influences from Europe

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

ZB DIGITAAL: Nieuwe zelfdodingsgids ook in de bibliotheek?

ZB DIGITAAL: Nieuwe zelfdodingsgids ook in de bibliotheek?

Where are the Good Dutch?
Where are the Good Dutch?

Muslim response to Geert WIlder provocations: Silence!

Muslims support Stop Islamization of Europe (SOIE)

Muslims should send Tulips and Roses to Geert Wilders:

Unnecessary provocation:

The USA is the most shariah compliant country in the world

Old Nazi Ovens for Jews not good enough. New Energy Efficient ovens created for Muslims. Duth Bigotry Incorporated and Geert Wilders Inc inaugurates more energy efficient ovens for Muslims



Duth Bigotry Incorporated and Geert Wilders Inc inaugurates more energy efficient ovens for Muslims.

God Bless Geert Wilders and God Bless all the Dutch

Kindly translate this so that I can post this letter on Dutch sites