The world is aghast—like the USSR, Bharat is imploding. The analysts were right—it would take a feather to unravel the poorly concocted country called India. Winston Churchill was right when he proclaimed “that India is as ephemeral as the Equator”. The Balkanization of Bharat continues. Let the games begin. The Chinese had threatened to break up Bharat into 20 states. They may not have to take the trouble. Shining Indian is imploding as we speak. What surprises the world that Indians have not blamed Pakistan for their imploding country—at least not yet!
Telengana secession from Andhara unleashes centrifugal forces all over India. Assam, Kashmir, Bodoland, Sikkim, Telangana, Gorkhaland, Bundelkhand and others want their own states. Most don’t want any control from Delhi. When Zaid Hamid proclaimed that India would be reduced to the size of Sri Lanka, many scoffed at his prophetic words with skepticism. Now the reality is showing the world the veracity of his words.
Naxalite insurgency exposes deep cavities in India India Balkanizing: Naxal insurgency widening cracks into deep abyss
“India” was never one country—always a patchwork of alliances, deceitful conspiracies, shifting loyalties, loose associations, and constant rebellions against the center. Even the might Mughal Armies could not control the entire territory. Quell a rebellion in the West, and the East was usurping. Quit down an aggressive potentate in the North, and the South would be in revolt. Today history is being repeated. India: Inebriated by meager success is blind to real self-portrait of caste infested penury and balkanization
Many think of Bharat (aka India) as a monolith. In actual fact, there were more than 570 independent states before Lord Clive entered Calcutta. Even during the Company Raj (Plassy to War of Independence), the East India Company controlled a small portion the territory (1176-1857). When the Crown formally took over South Asia after the Company almost lost the war of Independence (aka Great Indian Mutiny) it only controlled only about 40% of the region. The rest of the area was ruled by princes, potentates, rajas, kings, badshahs—who had varying degree of sovereignty and independence. Some of the larger states were very independent. For example Hyderabad was a country by itself. Bhopal and Kashmir were also not ruled by Delhi.Bodoland wants independence from India
Is India is a failed state? The maps show the more than 89 insurgencies that are raging in India The hundreds of states in the Subcontinent in the middle of the 19th century
Cracks are showing in Bharat today!
These are the most serious cracks identified by the security agencies of Bharat.
The forces in East Punjan, Kashmir, Seven Sissters of the Norhteast, The Naxalite insurrection
Nagaland does not want to be part of Bharat.
The Seven Sisters want to be independent
Chattirgarh want to be by itself.
These are imperial British maps of the Subcontinent
This is the Pakistan that was demanded.
In 1948 Nehru forced all states to join the “Indian Union”. Any state that would try to exist independently would be declared enemy state and Bharat would be at war with it. He used a fake article of accession to send forces to Kashmir and tried to occupy it. The article of accession was never presented to Pakistan, or the UN—and is now purportedly lost—as if it ever existed. Nehru allowed Patel to instigate a “Police Action” against Hyderabad and took over over. The same story was repeated about 560 times. Junagarh and Manvadar who had opted to join Pakistan were forcibly incorporated into Bharat (the opposite of what happened in Kashmir).
This expansionism didn’t end with the take over of Assam. Nehru then tried to take over Sikkim and Bhutan.
Now the chickens have come to roost. Ironically the Central government of Bharat today only control 40% of the the territory of the land mass of the country. This is similar to the British Raj. The Naxals control 40% of the land, and Assam, and Kashmiris control the rest. The announcement for the new state has opened the floodgates of secession.
Analysts said the decision will fuel protests by other ethnic and regional groups seeking separate states. Among these are Gorkhas wanting a new state in the mountainous Darjeeling region.
“This is a test for India’s ability to address sub-national sentiment in a law-governed way,” said Mahesh Rangarajan, a Delhi University political scientist. “It’s going to raise the question: should India consider having a state re-organisation commission?”
India has 28 states, mostly formed in 1956 in an effort to reorganise administrative units along ethnic and linguistic lines after British colonial rule.
But doubts have grown about the states’ ability to govern large populations as regional economic disparities widen. In Andhra Pradesh, politicians from the inland Telangana region have long resented the greater prosperity of the coastal belt. Financial Times
Supporters of Telangana statehood celebrate in Hyderabad on Thursday after the Indian government agreed to support their separatist demands in an effort to quell unrest.
After Hyderabad was broken up and its pieces parsed out to “Andhra Pradesh” and other areas, the state ceased to exist. The city which was a center of Muslim culture and Urdu learning died as the cultural Mecca for the Muslims.
Now the various ethnicities in Andhara Pradesh are fighting among themselves---the Telangana plan was to create a separate state. Its approval by the Indian National Congress has once again exacerbated the thin ethnic rivalries of diverse groups with competing interest. Uttar Pradesh was never a monolithic state either. It comprised of Awadh and other provinces. The British called it United Provinces (or UP). Now the Dalit leader of UP wants to re-split up UP into its former territories of Awadh and other states.
The Begums of Awadh, once humiliated by the British must smiling today—at the resurrection of their beloved state. Today another Begum in Lucknow is asking for its creation
“As soon as we get the nod from the centre, motion would come in the House”, Mayawati said, adding division of the state was necessary for good governance and balanced development. Mayawati said she was in favour of formation of Poorvanchal state also. But the demand should come from the people.
Of the 12 districts of Bundelkhand seven are in UP and five in Madhya Pradesh. Rashtriya Lok Dal (RLD) demanding Harit Pradesh in western UP has laid claim on 23 districts, including areas of Roohelkhand comprising Barielly and Moradabad divisions. Hindustan Times
India's Security concerns Both the Congress, and the BJP are in favor of the division. Ms. Maywati is a very powerful leader in UP. What she is saying will happen.
LUCKNOW/ NEW DELHI: After the Centre's Telangana plan, Uttar Pradesh chief minister Mayawati and Jaswant Singh on Friday joined the chorus for smaller states with the BSP supremo renewing the demand for splitting her state into three while the senior politician pitched for Gorkhaland.
Mayawati dashed off a letter to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh demanding that steps be taken for carving out separate states of Bundelkhand and western Uttar Pradesh out of the country's most populated state.
Rahul Gandhi has been in the forefront in pushing for a development package for Bundelkhand -- parts of which fall in UP and MP while RLD's Ajit Singh has threatened to launch a fresh agitation for creation of Harit Pradesh(Western UP).
"I have renewed the demand for smaller states in a letter to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today to also give consent to Uttar Pradesh as it has given to Andhra Pradesh for setting up separate Telangana state", Mayawati told newspersons in Lucknow.
"Both the BSP and my government are of the view that smaller states are conducive to all-round development and have been making a demand for trifurcation of Uttar Pradesh through letters", Ms. Mayawati said adding she had also written to the Centre in this regard on March 15, 2008. Times of India. Telangana fallout: Maya wants UP into 3,Jaswant for Gorkhaland, PTI 11 December 2009, 09:01pm IST
India's worst nightmare come true: Long term strategic malaise
Mumbai False flag: Indian hawk & Gujarat Chief Minister Modi exonerates Pakistan's position. Delhi's fails to prove Pakistan is complicit
India intoxicated by meager success is blind to real self-portrait of caste infested penury and balkanization
Emboldened by the Centre's move to initiate process for carving Telengana state out of Andhra Pradesh, members of the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha on Friday began fast-unto-death at five places in Darjeeling hills and Dooars demanding Gorkhaland state.
GJM press and publicity secretary Benoy Tamang said the agitation started in front of district magistrate's office in Darjeeling as also in Kurseong, Kalimpong and Kalchini in Dooars from 10 am. A batch of 21 members each began the fast. Hindustan Times
The centrifugal forces will continue to grow and ask for more and more.
View Full Image . Reuters NEW DELHI -- Other groups pushing for separate statehood in India are ratcheting up pressure on the government after New Delhi gave its nod earlier this week for a separate Telangana state to be carved out of the southern state of Andhra Pradesh.
Among groups to demand their own state is Gorkha Janmukti Morcha, a political party, which announced Friday that about 20 of its members would go on indefinite hunger strike in an effort to persuade the government to form a separate state of Gorkhaland out of the eastern Indian state of West Bengal.
Pradeep Pradhan, the party's president, said in an interview that the party was encouraging Gorkhas to participate in a 96-hour business shutdown in the region starting Dec. 14. Wall Street Journal
Gorkhas are an ethnic group that spans parts of Nepal and northeastern India. Mr. Pradhan says the separate state would give identification to the Indian and Nepali Gorkhas who have been otherwise neglected.
The leaders of GJM are using the same tactics as the leaders of Telengana—rioting, fasts, and violence.
In New Delhi, leaders of the Gorkha Janamukti Morcha met Union home minister P Chidambaram and demanded the creation of a separate Gorkhaland state saying "we want to be liberated from the colonial rule" of West Bengal government.
Assam: The restive tribes of Assam want their own states and they want independence.
Bodos, Dimasas and Karbi tribes of Assam have renewed their demand for separate states carved out of Assam following the Centre's decision to create a separate Telengana state. Indian Express
West Bengal:
"We do not want to stay with West Bengal. We want to be liberated from the colonial rule of the West Bengal government," GJM general Secretary Roshan Giri told reporters.
Expelled BJP leader and Darjeeling MP Jaswant Singh, who was part of the delegation, said the demand for a separate Gorkhaland was just and was also the "oldest" demand for carving out a new state. Times of India. Telangana fallout: Maya wants UP into 3,Jaswant for Gorkhaland, PTI 11 December 2009, 09:01pm IST
Amnesty International Report on "Horrid India" The spectacle of the break up of the USSR is within the memory banks of most. Now one is watching the same history being repeated in Bharat. The world is watching the behemoth implode.
“Whatever the arguments for and against the legitimacy of the Telangana cause, it’s clear that by ceding to it, the Centre has stirred up a hornet’s nest,” said the Financial Express newspaper in an editorial Thursday. Financial Express
Naxals: Balkanizing Cracks in “India”: Naxalite insurrection growing
The Naxalites have a force of approximately 15,000 cadres spread across 160 districts in the states of Orissa, Chattisgarh, Jharkhand, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Maharashtra, Karnataka and West Bengal. They operate primarily in the lawless, dense forested areas of India’s interior, with some estimates saying Naxalites control approximately 10.03 million hectares (about 25 million acres) of forests nationwide. They also have an active campaign to recruit students and other youths to help spread their left-wing extremism into India’s towns and cities. Thus far, however, the Naxalites have not demonstrated the ability to operate in urban areas.
Like Yugoslavia and the USSR, the decentralization of Bharat continues.
In 2000, three new states were made: Chhattisgarh, which was part of Madhya Pradesh; Uttarakhand, from Uttar Pradesh and Jharkhand, out of Bihar. Telangana will be India’s 29th state.
More locally, there are fears that if the up and coming city of Hyderabad is included in Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, which has invested heavily in its main city, will lose significant amounts of revenue.Christian Science Monitor
How Bharati media gags criticism of Delhi. With 75% of the population living under one Dolalr, a literacy rate that is below that of Pakistan—Bharat is the hungriest nation in South Asia (according to the World Hunger Index). It spends Billions on military equipment, while half the population of Delhi, Lucknow, Kolkota, Benaras, and Mumbai sleeps on the sidewalks. What is worse is that generations have been born, lived and died on the “footpath” without any shelter available to them. It is this generation that joins the ranks of the Naxals and the Maoists that control a wide swathe of territory from Nepal deep into Andhara Pradesh.
Assam and the seven sisters have almost no association with Delhi—linked by the narrow “chicken’s neck” which runs around Bangladesh.
There is the fear that balkanisation could prove to be disastrous for the idea of India. This is mainly the view of the metropolitan intelligentsia whose grasp of India beyond the big urban conglomerations is tenuous at best. DNA India
White Widows: 50, million women ostracized from society and incarcerated in temples
- East Punjab: Brutal suppression of Punjabi insurrection. Thousands killed
- Tamil Nadu and Mizuram are in flames seeking independence
- Tamil insurrection in Sri Lanka fled by Tamils in India
- Bihar: Major issues in Bihar and problems with Bangladesh
- West Bengal in Communist hands.
- Gujrat: Serious Hindu Muslim riots perpetuated by Mr. Moodi
- 200 -300 million Untouchables have little or no rights
- 150 million Muslims are at the lowest rung of the ladder:
India has had wars with all her neighbors. By harping on the “failed state” mantra the bigoted Indian commentariat wants to surround “Akhand Bharat” with small Balkanized mini-states like Sikkim, Bhutan, Sri Lanka. Any hegemonous power achieves its goal in the region by sabotaging the integrity and sovereignty of the neighbors. India wants to surround itself with a “Warsaw pact” type of string of obsequies and subservient states. Pakistan is big hurdle in India’s hegemonistic policy of Westward expansion. Since the West never faced “India” in combat, they are unaware of the (South) Indian agression that was encountered by Southeast Asia (Laos, Cambodia, and even Indonesia). China and Pakistan working together have arrested the advance of the sepoys of Delhi.
Today Bharat has to be stopped from expanding its borders. Ignoring “Superpoweritis” & thwarting India’s plans
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Failed States
Bharat’s Maoist insurgency
EUMA Nuclear inspections define Bharat’s new “client state” status
Indian Hollow “Democracy”: Arundhati Roy
Intoxicated India, deaf and blind to internal schisms--unable to instrospect & resolve its huge race, caste, religious problems
Cracks in India: 40% of “India” not under Government control. Blaming the ISI cannot dampen the 89 Indigineous Indian insurgencies
India's Security concerns India a Failed state?
The Singh Doctrine for Akhand Bharat Fails
India's Security nightmares: Naxalites, Mioram, Tamilland, Khalistan, 7 sisters of Northeast, 450 million Untouchable Dalits, Kashmiris, 150 million Muslims
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How long to extripate penury from india? 300 years!
Khumb Mela: India's 60 million filthy naked Hindu males India's budget-- fit for a superpower
Indian Cracks visible: Naxalite insurgency exposes deep cavities in India
India Balkanizing: Naxal insurgency widening cracks into deep abyss
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India Balkanizing? Naxalite insurrection widening cracks in deep cavities
The 2nd world revolution (after Buddhism) from Nepal: Another threat to India Red Nepal: Clear and present danger to India
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Indian Secularism--in the light of the Sachar Report
The Caliban of South Asia—an artificial state called Bharat (aka India)
Why did Indira Gandhi’s grandson publicly repeat the Indira-Nehru-Sanjay-Mohandas bigotry?
India: Inebriated by meager success is blind to real self-portrait of caste infested penury and balkanization
Real India: Rodent infestations, Monkey barrels, Cow kines, Stray dog kennels, & Rat packs present in Delhi’s President House & ubiquitous in all Indian cities
Delhi “elections”: Another missed opportunity
Is the Indian National Congress good for Pakistan?
How Bharati media gags criticism of Delhi
EUMA Nuclear inspections define Bharat’s new “client state” status
Bodoland wants independence from India
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